Saturday, 26 October 2013

How Inflationary Gap Occur & Can Be Eliminated ?


Inflationary gap arises when consumption 
and investment spending together are greater than full employment GNP level. This means that people are demanding more goods and services that can be produced. In other words, the implications of inflationary gap is that national income, output and employment cannot rise further. The only consequence of increased demand for goods and services on the part of the people will be to raise the price level. Or we may say that there will e an inflationary gap, if scheduled investment tends to be greater than full employment saving. In situation like this more goods will be demanded than the economic system can produce. The result will be that the prices will begin to rise and an inflationary situation will emerge. Thus if full employment saving falls short of scheduled investment at full employment (which means people’s propensity to spend is higher than the propensity to save) there will an inflationary gap.


  • The inflationary gap can be wiped out by increase in savings so that the aggregate demand is reduced. But this may lead to deflationary tendencies.
  • Another solution is to raise the value of available output to match the disposable income. As aggregate demand increases, businessmen hire more labour to expand output. But there being full employment at the current money wage, they offer higher money wages to induce more workers to work for them. As there is already full employment, the increase in money wages leads proportionate rise in prices. More over output cannot be increased during the short run because factors are already fully employed. So the inflationary gap can be closed by increasing taxes and reducing expenditure. Monetary policy can also be used to decrease the money stock. But Keynes was not in favour of monetary measures to control inflationary pressure within economy.

What is Inflationary Gap?

When aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, thus causing prices to increase if the economy is at full employment, or bringing about increases in production if it is not. 
It is usually attributed to government operating on deficit, thereby spending more than it receives in taxes and, so, creating excess demand.
An inflationary gap arises in the Keynesian model of the macroeconomy when the equilibrium level of aggregate production exceeds what could be produced at full employment. This represents the condition that arises when the economy is in a business-cycle expansion. Graphically, an inflationary gap is illustrated by the Keynesian cross if equilibrium aggregate production is to the right of full-employment aggregate production.

Keynesian Cross Equilibrium

The exhibit to the right is a graphical representation of the basic Keynesian model, commonly termed the Keynesian cross. The "cross" term refers to the intersection between two lines, the red AE line and the black Y=AE line.
The vertical axis measures expenditures, specifically aggregate expenditures. The horizontal axis measures production, specifically aggregate production or gross domestic product. This exhibit indicates activity in the macroeconomic product markets, or the aggregate product market.
The intersection of the 45-degree line and AE line, which is $12 trillion in this exhibit, is equilibrium. At $12 trillion the aggregate expenditures on production is equal to aggregate production. All four sectors are able to purchase all of the output they want and all output produced is purchased by one of the four sectors. There is neither a surplus nor a shortage of aggregate production.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

How Counterfeiting Works

The allure of counterfeiting is obvious. If you could do it without getting caught, you would be able to print your own money and buy whatever you want with it. Counterfeiting is the ultimate technology for people who want to get something for nothing.

In the not-too-distant past, counterfeiting was a difficult and expensive endeavor. It required large printing presses and the ability to cut intricate designs by hand into metal plates. Today, it's much easier to create counterfeit bills. As thousands of teenagers discover every year, if you're willing to break the law, you can create fake money with a PC, a scanner and a color inkjet printer in about 10 minutes.
In this article, we will look at the technology of counterfeiting. You will learn about the techniques that you might use if you wanted to create your own counterfeit bills. We'll also discuss the punishment that you will receive when you get caught trying out these techniques. In the process, you will learn how to detect "funny money" yourself and also discover whether the U.S. money supply is vulnerable to collapse from a sea of counterfeit bills.
Let's say that you would like to start a life of crime by creating your own counterfeit currency. The easiest way to print your own money is to use your PC. If you own a scanner and a printer, it is pretty easy to get started.
The first thing you would do is put a $20 bill on your scanner. Then you would set the scanner for its highest resolution -- perhaps 1,200 or 2,400 DPI -- and scan an image of the bill. Your scanner would drop a 5 to 10 megabyte file on your hard drive, which you'd print out to use as money.
However, your stint as a counterfeiter wouldn't be very successful. The $20 bill that's been in circulation in the United States since late 2003 is one of the high-tech counterfeit-proof bills from the U.S. Treasury. If you zoom in on different areas of the bill and look at them closely, you can see a number of features designed to deter "casual counterfeiting."

The lightly colored lines covering the front and back side of the new $20 bills.Add caption

Security Features

As you can see, the scanner captures all of this with good detail -- scanning a $20 bill is no problem.
Find out in the next section why actually printing the bill is, however, a problem.

There's an incredible loss of detail when using a low-quality printer.

Printing Cash

When you try to print your scanned $20 bill, you discover the problem. The fact that the scanner can capture such detail does not mean that your printer is ready to replicate it. If you try printing on a normal inkjet printer, it comes out looking all wrong to the naked eye. The colors are off and the images look muddy.
You can see why it looks wrong when you put your new counterfeit bill under a microscope. For example, many fine details are completely lost:
A low-quality printer has trouble printing tiny, lightly colored details.
And the light-colored hexagons turn to a brighter shade because the printer can't reproduce lines that are fine enough or light enough:
Compare these two images to their corresponding images from the images.

 It's obvious that they are not even close. You can actually see what is happening here -- the printer cannot replicate the fine lines exactly. In the case of the hexagons, the blobs that the printer ends up producing make the light color of the original bill a much brighter shade. This effect is the very reason for imprinting the lightly-colored hexagons on the bill in the first place -- they make the bill harder to replicate with current printer technology.

To some extent, these printer problems can be remedied with a better printer. However, even the best printers lose some of the detail. If a person were to look at the inkjet printer's counterfeit bill with a magnifying glass, it would be obvious that it is a counterfeit. But to the naked eye, a good high-resolution printer can produce a counterfeit bill that looks pretty close to the real thing.
To create an actual bill, you are going to have to test-print your scan a number of times and adjust the color to get the overall tone right. You are also going to have to scan the back of the bill and practice aligning the front and back sides to get a realistic two-sided bill.
If you are careful with your technique and if you have a good enough printer, you will end up with a bill that, although not perfect, looks passably good to the naked eye. It won't have the color-shift ink and it will look a bit muddy in places, but as long as the recipient doesn't look at these details very closely, the illusion will be "good enough" to work.
The easiest way to get around the visual imperfections of your counterfeit bills is to spend the bills in situations where the exact visual details are hard to see. For example, you might try to hand your fake money to a waitperson in a darkened bar or nightclub.
As soon as the person touches the counterfeit money, however, it will be obvious that something is wrong. That's because of the paper.

The Importance of Paper

People know what money feels like. People who handle money constantly, like bank tellers, cashiers and waitstaff, can feel a counterfeit bill instantly if the paper is wrong.
That "feel of money" comes from at least three different things that make the paper in paper bills unique:
  • Normal paper that you use on a day-to-day basis (newspaper, notebook paper, paper in books, etc.) is made from the cellulose found in trees. Paper used for money, on the other hand, is made from cotton and linen fibers. This kind of paper is known as rag paper. One big advantage of using rag paper is the fact that it does not disintegrate if you accidentally run paper money through a washing machine.
  • The paper used for money is thin compared to normal paper.
  • The paper used for money is squeezed with thousands of pounds of pressure during the printing process. This makes it even thinner and gives newly made bills a special crispness.
The other special thing about the rag paper used in real money is that there are tiny blue and red fibers mixed into the paper when it is made. These fibers are easy to find in real money, but they are so fine that they do not reproduce very well in the counterfeit money from your inkjet printer.
The last thing a counterfeiter wants to do is print counterfeit money on "normal" printer paper. It will feel all wrong, and it can be detected with a counterfeit pen. These special pens, which often look something like a highlighter, contain iodine that changes color when it comes in contact with cellulose. At the very least, you need to try to find thin rag paper to print on. You can find this kind of paper at most office supply stores.
However, the paper still may not feel right. That's why some counterfeiters go the extra mile to get the perfect paper. The ultimate counterfeit bill would use the same paper used by the government. This paper, however, is nearly impossible to buy.
Yet, if you hunt around the Internet (I used the Google search engine), you can find hundreds of articles similar to an article from The Philadelphia Inquirer. This particular article describes a large-scale counterfeiter named Ricky Scott Nelson who produced and successfully distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in fake cash. He found a very good source of realistic paper. According to the article:
"Nelson took [actual] $1 and $5 notes and, using tape, masked some of the genuine images such as the Treasury and Federal Reserve Seals, serial numbers, and the "This note is legal tender" advisory. The masked bills were then soaked in bleach to remove the images and denomination numbers ... Nelson then created a template that enabled him to photocopy images and detail from $50 and $100 notes onto the bleached areas of the original currency."
The image from the photocopier, apparently, was "good enough" to pass inspection with the naked eye. The use of real paper got around the feel problem. As a bonus, the bleached bills contained real, unique serial numbers.
But that still leaves a question -- what did he do about the color-shifting ink? Surely he did not pass all $800,000 in nightclubs. He would have had to find a source for the special ink, plus a way to print it.

Getting Around Security Features

The newest $20 bills printed by the Treasury contain three special security features that are impossible to fake with an inkjet printer:
Photo courtesy U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • Embedded in the paper, aplastic security strip runs vertically up one side of the note. If President Andrew Jackson is facing you, then the plastic strip is on the left side. Upon close inspection of this security strip, you can see the words "USA TWENTY" and a small flag repeated along the thread. This should be visible on both sides of the bill.
  • Located in the bottom right corner on the face of the bill, the number "20" is made of color-shifting ink. A slight backward and forward shift of the bill changes the number "20" from copper to green.
  • A faint and smaller version of Jackson's portrait (as seen on the face of the bill) is "hidden" within the paper itself. If you hold the bill up to a light, this watermark is immediately evident from either side of the bill.
How did Nelson get around these features? The article states it this way:
"He used mostly old-style $100 and $50 notes -- without the invisible markers implanted in post-1996 series currency -- that enabled his cash to fool many people and local retailers."
In other words, Nelson took pre-1996 bills and used them as the models for his reproductions. Most people will still accept the older bills, and since these older bills have none of the fancy features of the newer ones, they are much easier to reproduce.
By putting all of these tricks together, Nelson was able to create fake money that fooled most of the people most of the time -- $800,000 is a lot of money.
So, how did he get caught?

Detecting Counterfeit Money

Although Nelson did create good reproductions, they could not be perfect reproductions. For example, the ink printed onto real money is not completely absorbed by the paper. This is especially true of the black ink and the color-shifting ink. The ink therefore leaves a texture on the paper that is easy to feel, especially when a bill is new. Your inkjet money will not have this feel, and neither did Nelson's. An easy way around this defect is to crumple up the money so it feels worn.
A more important problem, however, is that some of the inks used by the government are magnetic. Vending machines, for one, are sensitive to these magnetic inks and use them to detect counterfeits. The treasury is also scanning bills regularly to detect counterfeits. According to an article fromWired Magazine, titled "Junior Mints":
"Of the 24.5 billion [bills] scanned and sorted last year, half were $1 bills. They last 18 months in circulation and may be scanned four or five times a year. A $100 bill may be scanned every four years or so; people hold on to them far longer, on average. Details about how, exactly, these superscanners distinguish good bills from bad are closely guarded. Vending machines, for example, might compare the size of margins on the front and back (looking for telltale out-of-register printing), or scan the portrait, or sense the location of magnetic ink that the bureau uses only in certain parts of the bill. "These machines are much better than that," says Rosanna Pianalto, a policy analyst at Fed headquarters in Washington, D.C. Each machine has 30 kinds of sensors, and some no doubt pick up covert security features."
As the counterfeit bills get used in vending machines and rejected, or as they make their way into banks, where human tellers can feel the difference, or when they get into the hands of an attentive convenience store worker who rejects them, or when they make their way back to the scanning machines at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, they are detected. Once they are detected, that alerts authorities to a counterfeiting problem in a certain area of the country. Heightened vigilance, along with news stories and public service announcements, helps to make detection easier. And eventually the counterfeiter gets caught.
With teenagers who are casually counterfeiting, capture is often instantaneous. Teenagers usually make very stupid mistakes when they create counterfeit bills:
  • The colors are off
  • The paper is wrong
  • They print on only one side
  • They give the money to classmates who report the crime
Therefore, punishment is swift and sure.

Crime and Punishment

Counterfeiting is not a minor offense. It is not like running a red light, or even shoplifting. These crimes aremisdemeanors handled at the local level by local police and courts. Counterfeiting, on the other hand, is afederal felony handled by the U.S. Secret Service. In fact, the entire reason the Secret Service was originally created was to handle counterfeiters. Only later did it take on the role of additionally protecting the president and other key government officials.
The reason why counterfeiting is treated as such a serious crime is because money is so important to our society. Money is the oxygen of the economy. If people cannot trust that the money they carry is authentic, then it gets much harder to buy things and the economy slows down.
When you get caught counterfeiting -- and if you are counterfeiting you will get caught eventually -- the punishment can be unbelievably harsh. According to this article from Wired Magazine, entitled "Junior Mints":
"Under federal statute 18 USC section 471, if you're found guilty of making copies "in the likeness and similitude of US currency ... unless they are much larger or much smaller than US currency" (a minimum of 50 percent larger or 25 percent smaller) or unless they are "rendered in black and white," you face up to 15 years in the slammer."
If up to 15 years in prison is not enough to deter you, there are additional penalties as well. Authorities will also seize any property used to create or pass the bills. That means your computer, printer and scanner will be confiscated. You will also have to pay restitution and probably a number of fines, too.
In other words, the picture is pretty clear. When you create counterfeit bills, you will get caught. There are a ton of people out there looking for fake bills because they don't want to get ripped off. When you get caught, the penalties will be severe, and it's likely you will end up spending some time in jail. You will have a federal felony arrest on your record, making it very hard to get a job.
In other words, you can't get something for nothing, at least not if you are trying to do it by counterfeiting. Although it is easy to print your own money, it never works when you try spending it.

Protecting Yourself

Whether you are a normal person taking your change at a store, or you are a merchant accepting cash in your business, you need to be aware of the counterfeiting problem. As you have seen, it is easy for teenagers to print counterfeit bills, and there are more sophisticated counterfeiters who are actually bleaching out authentic bills and printing fake bills onto the bleached paper.
Here are several steps you can take to protect yourself:
  • Be suspicious; take time to look at and feel the money you receive.
  • Check for obvious things like duplicate serial numbers.
  • Be especially suspicious of older bills (those bearing old pre-1996 designs) and bills of larger denominations.
  • Simply refuse to accept older bills. Nearly all the pre-1996 money that is actually legitimate has been taken out of circulation and destroyed already.
  • Look at bills in the light. The color-shift ink is very hard to fake. The security stripe and watermark are impossible to duplicate with an inkjet printer.
  • If you believe you are receiving a counterfeit bill, call the police.
A lot of work has gone into creating bills that are hard to counterfeit. If you use the new security features, it is very easy to detect counterfeit bills.

How To Judge Top Fake Money Making Websites

This post or mine is regarding How To Judge Top Fake Money Making Websites , this post is specially for youngsters who don’t think about anything just invest on these Top Fake Money Making Websites and finally have a huge amount of money loss in these type of websites.

How Top Fake Money Making Websites Approaches :-

The main logic behind their promotion is sketchy advertisements which attract youngsters the most like :-

hese type of banner and advertisement specially attract youngsters so that they come register spend money in order to earn money.So try to don’t get attracted to these type of advertisements.This seems to be bad how these Top Fake Money Making Websitesapproaches youngsters to earn money and make fool of them.

Steps To Judge Top Fake Money Making Websites :-

These steps will guide you how to be aware of these fake money making websites, and if you get struck so how you can help yourself in overcoming the money loss you have in these fake websites.

1> Firstly as i have told you guys above that don’t get attracted to these flashy advertisements to avoid getting caught in fake websites of money making.

2> If you are part of these type of money making websites , So in order to judge their reality in payment making check their all payment method credentials and specially check they all have secure server ” https://”.

3> If you see any complaint registered on “ “on website name on which you are registered, then remove you as a user from that website.

4>Some websites want some intial money investment like ” Invest Thousand and then Earn Lakhs ” , don’t invest on them and
block those type of websites , because after your investment these websites don’t communicate with you after investment in future.

So these were some simple steps you need to follow in order to save yourself from Top Fake Money Making Websites.

10 Romantic & Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend or Wife

Whether it’s an anniversary present or a Valentine’s Day gift, the expectations can be high even when your funds are low. If your bank account balance limits the amount you can spend on a gift, then jewelry and other pricey presents are out of the question. However, you can still salvage a romantic day without spending a ton.
Remember that it’s the thought that counts, and if you put your mind to it, giving a memorable gift can be done on a tight budget. Crafting might not be your forte, but there are a number of gift ideas that can be created by just about anyone.

Wallet-Friendly Gift Ideas for Her

While going the “homemade” route when choosing a gift saves you money, does your wife or girlfriend really need another mix CD? You can do better than that! Show her you really care by giving something thoughtful and unique.

1. Ace of Hearts

A deck of card costs, what? Five dollars online on Amazon? Although your first thought when looking at playing cards might be of poker with the guys, you can turn them into a romantic gift for your girl.
Break out the paper, markers, and glue and pick up a couple of key chain rings from the hardware store. Using an office hole puncher, punch two holes along one edge of each card at the exact same points.
Next, use the backs of the cards to write out things that you love about her. If the decorative design on the back of the cards is too distracting, write them or type the passages on a small piece of paper and glue them to each card. Think of 51 reasons and leave the final card for a sweet message or title. To make it extra special, trim photos to fit onto the faces and backs of the cards where there is space.
Finally, bind the cards together like a spiral-bound book by feeding the cards through the two key chain rings. Hello, $1 gift!

2. Hometown Tourism

If your girlfriend or wife has dreams of being whisked away on a romantic vacation, she’ll probably be disappointed when you present her with yet another bunch of grocery store roses.
Instead, make part of that dream come true by planning a “staycation” in your area. Look up your town or city’s tourism department to come up with activities and hot spots to check out over the course of two days. Book a hotel or bed and breakfast and surprise her with a quick, cheap getaway.
You’ll probably be surprised at what checking out local museums, listening to live music, and a dinner date will do to score you major props for thoughtfulness. Go on an impromptu vacation? Check.

3. Scrabble Love

Get your nerd on by giving your girl a sweet, thoughtful, and geeky gift. If you already have a game of Scrabble on hand, raid your own supply of tiles, or ask friends or family to donate a few letter tiles to the cause.
First, pick out the letters that spell out yours and your girlfriend’s names and purchase a cheap frame (less than $10 for a 5 by 7 inch picture frame). Arrange the letters so that your names intersect – if your names don’t share any common letters, use a third word, like “LOVE,” to anchor them together. Next, use a bit of wood glue to affix the letters to the cardboard backing for the frame. Decorate the piece with photos, dried flowers, or other scrapbook-appropriate items. Place the glass on top, and if the fasteners on the back of the frame don’t fit over the letters, use strong tape or glue to hold the backing in place.
Voila! Now you have a wall hanging that your girl is proud to display and point out to her friends. Triple. Word. Score.

4. Homemade Chocolates

Those pay-by-the-ounce chocolates you buy at specialty shops are a complete waste of money when you can make them yourself. Even if you’re a complete stranger to a stove, you can still put together some homemade chocolate candies as a gift.
Start by laying classic-shaped or square crunchy mini pretzels on a baking sheet, then place one Rolo candy on top of each pretzel. Pop them in the oven (preheated to 350 degrees) for about five minutes, or until the chocolates begin to soften. Take them out of the oven and immediately press a whole pecan into each Rolo and allow to set.
The result? Totally awesome homemade chocolate treats.

5. Historical Tour

Every couple has a history. Unfortunately, a lot of guys don’t completely remember it!
Try digging into your memory bank to come up with four or five locations that are important to you as a couple: where you first met, where you went for your first date, or where you first kissed. It’s the perfect excuse to literally take a walk down memory lane.
Depending on the type of transportation you use, it could be free or very cheap, especially if you use nostalgia to blow off expensive restaurants. Remember that time you went to that amazing burger joint together?

6. Overnight Kit

For those of you who haven’t made the leap to living together yet, it’s likely that your girlfriend still probably stays over at your place from time to time. Instead of requiring her to bring an overnight bag, show her that you’re not a total “commitment-phobe” by putting together an overnight kit to keep in your bathroom.
Fill a basket or a makeup bag with the essentials, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, her other favorite toiletries, and perhaps even an apartment key. She’ll love that she has a permanent place in your bathroom cupboard. If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the way to a woman’s heart is probably through prime cabinet real estate.

7. Date-of-the-Month Club

Sure, your bank account might be low this month, but if you plan on topping it off in the coming weeks, a date-of-the-month club “membership” shows that you put some thought into the perfect present.
Grab 12 document envelopes from the office supply store and think of 12 great date ideas. We’re talking beyond the standard dinner and a movie here, guys! List the details of each date on a separate piece of paper, insert one into each envelope, and present them to her sealed.
To add intrigue, only list the date, the location, and how she should dress. Write the date on the outside of the envelope so she knows when to open them – one for each month. She’ll love that you’ve planned 12 thoughtful dates, and you buy yourself some time to save up for each one.

8. Car Decor

Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, whatever – your lady expects the world. When it’s a special day, you need to start the day off right so she knows that you planned something. A message on her car is perfect if she’s the one who rolls out of bed and off to work each morning.
Use a window marker to decorate the windshield and windows on her car with cute, sweet messages – extra points for hearts and other designs. When she trudges out to her car, you’ll score points by giving a cheap gift that everyone can see all day long. Just be ready to help her clean it up!

9. Coupon Book

The coupon book isn’t exactly earth-shattering when it comes to creating unique gifts, but it can be completely romantic if you make the coupons as specific to your relationship as possible. A lame promise to “vacuum the living room” might draw a roll of the eyes, but a coupon for one no-whining trip to see a chick flick means more if your girlfriend or wife knows that you’re a die-hard action fan.
Think of some of the things you know irritate her, like leaving the toothpaste cap off, and offer a coupon for a full week of clean bathroom counters. It’s more heartfelt than the cheesy love coupons that you can buy.

10. Breakfast in Bed

Breakfast in bed is pretty standard, especially when you’re looking for gift ideas and are short on cash. But instead of doing the regular pancakes-and-bacon thing, use a love theme for the breakfast.
Grab a piece of bread and use a metal cookie cutter to cut a heart shape out of the bread. Then, pop it into a greased frying pan turned on medium-high heat and crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole. The result? A breakfast perfect for Valentine’s Day or an anniversary. Serve it up with some fruit and mimosas, and she’ll be thrilled.

And a Rose can always add up to the beauty of evrything.
Be sure to take a rose along.

Final Word

From a woman’s point of view, extravagant gifts are awesome, but we can always tell when they were hastily purchased at the last minute. However, you don’t need to drop huge sums of money to give a wonderful, heartfelt gift. Showing that you put extra thought into a present definitely scores high, so don’t let bank account shame stop you from making her feel special on a big day.
What are your best ideas for romantic gifts on the cheap? Have any of them totally backfired?

How to Buy Your Girlfriend the Perfect Gift

Having trouble buying the perfect gift for your girlfriend? Well, not anymore! Read on and you'll see a happy face when she opens the box!

Base your gift ideas on your girlfriend's interests, style, or activities.
  • Think about what she likes. Does she like jewelry, video games, board games, books, music, hats, shoes? Pay attention to what she does when you're together, what movies she says she wants to see, what kind of food she chooses to eat, what colors she tends to wear, what music she tends to listen to. This should give you an idea of her general tastes.
  • Consider about the kind of person she is. Is she someone who cares a lot about brand names, fashion and shopping? Or is she a tomboy who enjoys climbing trees and running around in bare feet? Does she like to cook? Is she obsessed with chocolate? Relate the gifts to what you know about her.
  • Recall what she does in her spare time. Does she have any hobbies? You can show your support for her activities if you get her a gift she can use while doing her hobbies. For example, if she's into drawing, you could get a very nice sketchbook and pencils from an art store, or a drawing tablet.
  • Think about her career focus and needs. Many people are obsessed with their careers. Is your girlfriend like this? If so, what does she need for work? A new bag for work? A nice pen? How about an iTunes gift certificate to make those long subway commutes more enjoyable?
  • Think about what would make her life easier. Take a look around her place, what does she need to make her life more enjoyable? Does she need a coffee maker? A closet organizer? A wine bottle corker?
  • Look for hints in past conversations. Often your girlfriend will tell you what she wants/needs without even realizing it. She might say, "My boot heel broke this morning when I was crossing the street." That's your clue to fix her boots or buy her a new pair.

    Make a unique handmade gift for her. Whether it be a hemp bracelet or something else, it doesn't really matter. It's the effort that counts. Undoubtedly she'll love anything you make for her.

    Give her something personal. An engraved tennis bracelet, for example. Or a hand-painted portrait. Give her something that no other woman on the planet has.

    Think of an inside joke or something you share together. Take the opportunity to expand on a shared moment together. Maybe you two are Star Trek geeks. A cozy night at home with a full collection of Star Trek Blu-ray discs might be appropriate. Something personal like this is great if you are really close.

    Be creative. Think of something simple to give her. There's no need to be extravagant. Sometimes it's the simplest things that work the best.
    • Buy her a flower, and if you are close to where she lives, leave it on her step. Also leave a little note saying something like "I'm thinking of you." Even if the girl doesn't like flowers, she will like that fact that you're thinking of her and think it's kind of romantic. Roses are pretty, but a little over-rated. Sunflowers are a total yes for almost all girls.

      Don't be afraid to ask for help. Consult her friends or her mother for gift ideas. Friends and parents have good gifts ideas. After all, they've known your girlfriend longer than you have! Without a doubt they'd love to help you.

      Ask her! When all else fails, ask your girlfriend what she'd like. This will take the surprise out of it, but at least you'll get her something she wants and needs. If you're buying a Christmas or birthday gift, ask your girlfriend for a list. In this way she won't know exactly what she's getting.

IVR 'ShortCode' and Revenue Sharing

What is IVR short code ? 
IVR (Interactive Voice Response) short code can be defined as special telephone number which has ‘less’ digits in it than traditional full length telephone number. This kind of special ‘short code’ are mainly used for special purposes like customer care for telephone/mobile subscribers, VAS ( Value Added Service) access either SMS/MMS ( Short Messaging Service/Multimedia Messaging Service) or IVR based, public utility services etc.
With recent ‘VAS boom’ all around the world in telephone and mobile industry, short-code has become quite well known and many people want to ‘have’ it! While, short code is nothing but telephone number with less number of digits in it, it has become very special special as it is always associated with some special service as well as special charging for calling to it! For any VAS short code, it is charged premium while for any customer care service, it is free of charge for the caller.
Different countries have different policies about short code used for IVR access or SMS/MMS access. Normally any short-code has length of 5 digits and can have customisable suffix for specific service.
Advantages of a short-code
Short codes work as just like any telephone/mobile number. But the main advantage is, it is short so it is easy to remember.
Customer Care numbers are widely publicised by telephone companies and these short codes grow to become brand for any telecom company. Likewise, value added service providers also build their brand around the short-code for the services they provide and try to make them popular. For example, 56969 is SMS as well as IVR shortcode forRajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. in India which offers many value added SMS and IVR services through this short-code.
Apart from being short, these short-code also tend to be vanity number. For example 58888, 56969, 54321 which have some interesting pattern and easy to remember.
Sine it is short number, it is faster to dial or send SMS. Apart from advantages of being short and faster to dial, I could not think of any other advantages. Many people may think short code as vanity number and associate it with pride.
Disadvantages of Short Code
The main disadvantage of short-codes is it is completely telecom company dependent. Shortcodes are accessible within the home network only. In order to make the short-code accessible in all operators across the country, the short code needs to be configured in all the operators. For example, the short code 56969, it is registered by Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. in all mobile operators in India in every circle. That is why it is available in all networks in India. This activity of registering the shortcode in all operators ( in India, we have more than 12 mobile operators) and the allocating software as well as hardware resources to for connectivity to each of them is quite cumbersome and time consuming affair. Most of the time, mobile operators may not allocate the desired short code or simply refuse to allocate one.
But a long code or traditional phone number is accessible by all telecom subscribers without having to register with multiple telecom operators.
Revenue Sharing
Normally, apart from the short codes used for customer care services, all other short codes are used for value added services and so charged premium. The revenue generated are shared by telecom operator and the value added service providers.

Short code for IVR

Short codes are being used IVR portals ( popularly known as voice portal) which provide many value added services or utility services. Popular TV reality shows, Contests generate lot of revenues from this kind of IVR short codes from participants. But this kind of short-code would be accessible across country and all telecom networks only when the short-code is registered with all telecom operators. This need huge initial investment in terms of hardware and software as well as recurring expenses.
So, those who do not want to invest more initially and start any IVR service quickly, they may opt for long code or normal telephone number with E1 connectivity form single operator. It may not be possible to charge callers premium and work like a VAS to generate revenue.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013



Let me tell you what this is NOT:
• This not some new age pop-psychology fad that will be gone in a
year’s time.

• This is not boring academic theory that sounds good on paper but has
no real world application.

• This is not lame and manipulative pickup techniques or any misogynistic
ways to get into a woman’s pants. Understanding this stuff will bring a
new-found love and appreciation to women and put you light years ahead
of any other guy she might be talking to.

Many other teachers in this industry treat women as exactly the same, and
will blindly teach you what works on ONE specific character type of woman.
And while this might lead to some success sometimes, it’s just a fraction of
What’s possible when you become more accurate.
Not knowing they are only hitting about 12% of the total demographic. As you’ll soon discover, there are EIGHT very different character types of women, and understanding the
differences will open up your options and give you tremendous power.

You’ll probably know yourself that even guys who are quite good with
women are still only consistently getting a “type” or “sort” of woman,
and not experiencing success with a wide range of types of women.
This program will give you that ability.

You are going to end up with the same power.

Here’s What You Will Be Able To Do:

• You will be able to SEE INSIDE THE MIND of ANY woman you choose.
You won’t literally see her exact thoughts, but you will be able to predict,
with a high level of accuracy, her emotions, feelings and future behavior.

• You will have a hyper-understanding of the female mind which
CHANGES the vibe you are putting across. Women will intuitively
sense the difference between you and other guys. It mostly manifests
in your facial expressions, eye contact and body language. She will
know that there is something different about you. It’s just like being in a
foreign country and seeing someone from your home country – you can
sense it from their mannerisms and body language before you even hear
them speak.

• You will be able to influence her behavior on a supernatural level.
Because you will understand her better than she knows herself, you will
be able to behave in a way so that you are an authority, a guide to her own

inner understanding which will give you unlimited persuasive power.

Take caution. You will have women’s lives in your hands, and they will
obey you with blind obedience.
• You will join an elite secret society. Understanding, having
compassion and empathy for women and the ability to predict her future
will set you far apart from other men in her life. You will become someone
she trusts, someone she can be honest with, someone she tells all of
her secrets – almost like a best friend she grew up with, but with the
additional benefit of having a passionate sexual connection.

• You will be able to decipher her secret language
. Almost every
guy has had the experience of a woman saying one thing but meaning
something completely different. Or seeming to be interested and
flirting, but the minute you make a move she loses interest. When you
speak “woman-ese”, you will see this happening all around you – but
to other guys. And you can choose to help them, or you can watch with
amusement with the girl, and keep her for yourself.

• You will be able to unleash her inner nymphomaniac.
You will be
able to get her acting totally outside of her normal range of behavior. One
thing I see is that guys will date a girl, and they’ll have the most plain vanilla
missionary sex, but then they date a guy like me or one of my trainers,
and she’ll be open to all kinds of crazy sexual things even threesomes, and
when the first guy finds out about her secret, hidden desires, its often very
upsetting and frustration. You’re going to be ONE OF US - and trust me –
when a girl does something completely out of character with you – you
make an incredible bond, and basically she’ll NEVER forget you, and always
give you priority over guys.

• You will be able to quickly identify which of the 8 character types of
women she is. Is she The Seductress or is she The Connoisseur? There
are just 8 different types of women and you’re going to be able to know
immediately which type she is, and exactly how to get her. I've got it down
so that I can tell which type of woman she is in 30 seconds or less, and in
time, you will too.

• You will then be able to adapt your strategy to laser target your
efforts to that specific character type. Why waste your efforts using
behaviors and tools that aren't suited for a specific woman. In the
training to come, we take one character type at a time and focus on
it hardcore. My hope is that you will find and date each character type
as they are introduced and by the end of this training you will have
experienced the full spectrum of women, know which type works best
for you, and then be able to predictably find them, seduce them and if you
want, form a long term relationship with them.
Now let’s talk about signals – and in particular signals that women give off
to show you that they are interested.
One side benefit to learning the Prodigy’s system is that once you
become a master, you will be blown away by the number of signals that
women are constantly giving off about which character type she is, and
also the many ways she’s telling you how to seduce her.
You are about to become an expert at reading signs.

From coaching students from around the world, I realize that there are
many guys who have a woman in their lives who would make an amazing
girlfriend, be awesome to have sex with, or is just plain better than most
other girls they know.

Is there someone you know who would it be awesome to start a romantic
relationship with?

I know myself when I was learning this stuff initially there was this
perfect 10, the kind of girl who could be on the cover of sports illustrated,
you know the kind I mean. She really turned me on.

And as I got better, I was able to relate to her on a much deeper level and
let me tell you… it was so fulfilling to finally seduce her.
Now, what this program is going to allow you to do is to understand her
type, make sense of her behavior (because there’s a good chance it’s
confusing to you right now), and have a solid chance at correcting your
own behavior and getting out of your own way, so that you can form a real
connection with her, and allow her to bond with you.

You are going to figure out if the girl you really like is a tester or an
investor, a denier or justifier, and a realist or idealist. What am I talking
about? And why should you care? Well, understanding these three things
is the KEY to knowing a woman’s character type.
You simply need to know three things about any woman to instantly know her type.
We call this process “mind reading” because it gives us SO MUCH
information about her behaviors, her preferences, her sexual history and
also how she falls in love.

How can I suggest such an outrageous idea with such confidence?
Well, keep listening, and learning, and you may want to watch these video(I’ll provide you later)
a couple times to fully understand the system, and please watch them all
the way through in order at least one time before going back to review the
individual sections. And pay close attention, taking notes if you have to
because I’m going to test your knowledge at the end of the core program.
The thing that really caught me by surprise when i tested the programme
on a focus group was the surge in their confidence when they went out
to meet women. And now that I fully understand it, it’s like the difference
between being dropped in the middle of a jungle, and being in the jungle
with a compass, a tour guide and a map with big bright red arrows on it
telling you exactly where to go.

The guys as part of this focus group found it fun to figure out her type,
and they turned it into a little competitive game. It made meeting women
fun again, because it while it was challenging to get at first, they all made
rapid progress as they got faster at seeing the clues, putting the pieces
together and acting accordingly.

The Prodigy’s system is completely unique because it addresses
REAL differences between women’s minds.

Previous teachers have failed (or rather succeeded with a VERY small
percent of women) because they failed to address these very real differences.
Let me ask you a question...

Take 2 women.
One woman has had only 3 serious boyfriends in her life, enjoys hiking,
reading, and watching movies. She does NOT date casually, and has only
had sex with those three guys aside from a fairly negative experience with
a one night stand when she was 19 years old.

Another woman has dated 20 guys in her freshman and sophomore years
of college alone, frequents clubs and dresses in a way that gets A LOT of
male attention, she is approached on average about 3 times a day.
Do you think you’d be successful using the same strategy to attract both
women? Of course you wouldn't.

Yet every “teacher” who has studied this topic attempts to fit every
woman into his one method.

As a result, any guy using these methods, even if he is very good, is only
going to resonate with about 12% of the female population. Whereas with
you; you are going to have a realistic chance with 100% of women. This is
because we are treating them as unique individuals, rather than all exactly
the same. And this includes ANYTHING romantic whether it is dating or a
relationship. It does not merely apply to her behavior in bed, but of course
we will cover that in depth as well.
The Prodigy’s System is YOUR guide to the female mind.
It will give 
you almost unlimited and scary power with women, as it has with me, , and the select few VIP clients I have chosen to share it with.
And it will give you this power as well. Respect it, and treat it as such. An
incredible superpower and privilege.
If I know about any guy misusing this power, I will terminate your account
and refund your entire amount paid. I am very serious about this.
WARNING #1: It’s about time that I talk about the possible consequences
of using, or misusing this programme.
This programme, when both studied and applied, will give you incredible
power with women. They will feel as though you understand them on the
deepest possible level even better than they know themselves – because

Because of this, they will suspend all critical judgment, rational thinking
and let go of their normal defenses and practical common sense.
You will literally become the authority over her decisions, her goals, and
grant or remove the power to feel pleasure and pain.

And I have to confess – I have been somewhat careless with this power in
the past. When I was young I experienced a lot of rejection and pain, so
naturally I felt like I needed to overcompensate. And I did big time. And
there were a few women who were absolutely devastated, and couldn't
date, or feel attracted to other men for a LONG time after we had ended.
But YOU have the chance to RESIST this urge, and spare yourself the
mental torment that – trust me – comes with that type of abuse.

Recently, for the first time in a long time, I fell in love. I used the strategies
you’ll soon learn to find and attract, the most amazing woman for me. And
I taught her things she wouldn't understand in a million years. It was life
changing for both of us.

You have the chance to use this incredible power to change the world for
good. And this product is my way of reconciling the damage I've done,
hoping that enough men will use this in a positive way, and under my close
guidance – we can spread a strong positive energy to improve the lives of
women – help them feel understood, and make a real impact on society.

WARNING #2: Now a second warning:
This is the end of my introduction – and as such – this is the point of no
return. Once you listen past this point, we will begin to reveal the secrets
of this programme.
I will peel back the curtain – and take you through the inner workings of the
female mind. I will hold nothing back. At times, although our goal is a high
one, and good, there are some things that are dark. Some of it may be scary.
So again, if you have the idea that all women are perfect in every way,
100% altruistic, that never have any deceptive or hidden motivations,
then this product might not be for you. If you have the slightest feeling
that you might be getting in too deep, please stop the audio, and never log
back into the blog.
I’m totally serious about this. This is the real content that no one else is
teaching. You will not find the level of honesty and disclosure anywhere,
and that is why I urge you to take a good look at yourself and ask yourself
“am I really ready to take an uncensored look inside the mind women
everywhere, no matter if it’s good or bad?”
If not, again, turn back.
If you are, I congratulate you, commend you, my fellow Prodigy
practitioner and welcome you to an ELITE society.

That ends the introduction of Prodigy's programme.
And to get the full programme you will be needed to contact me as i can't write everything down in a blog.
If interested you can leave a comment with your email address, I'll get back to you.And trust me, I WILL.

Feel free to ask any question you want.