Wednesday, 23 October 2013



Let me tell you what this is NOT:
• This not some new age pop-psychology fad that will be gone in a
year’s time.

• This is not boring academic theory that sounds good on paper but has
no real world application.

• This is not lame and manipulative pickup techniques or any misogynistic
ways to get into a woman’s pants. Understanding this stuff will bring a
new-found love and appreciation to women and put you light years ahead
of any other guy she might be talking to.

Many other teachers in this industry treat women as exactly the same, and
will blindly teach you what works on ONE specific character type of woman.
And while this might lead to some success sometimes, it’s just a fraction of
What’s possible when you become more accurate.
Not knowing they are only hitting about 12% of the total demographic. As you’ll soon discover, there are EIGHT very different character types of women, and understanding the
differences will open up your options and give you tremendous power.

You’ll probably know yourself that even guys who are quite good with
women are still only consistently getting a “type” or “sort” of woman,
and not experiencing success with a wide range of types of women.
This program will give you that ability.

You are going to end up with the same power.

Here’s What You Will Be Able To Do:

• You will be able to SEE INSIDE THE MIND of ANY woman you choose.
You won’t literally see her exact thoughts, but you will be able to predict,
with a high level of accuracy, her emotions, feelings and future behavior.

• You will have a hyper-understanding of the female mind which
CHANGES the vibe you are putting across. Women will intuitively
sense the difference between you and other guys. It mostly manifests
in your facial expressions, eye contact and body language. She will
know that there is something different about you. It’s just like being in a
foreign country and seeing someone from your home country – you can
sense it from their mannerisms and body language before you even hear
them speak.

• You will be able to influence her behavior on a supernatural level.
Because you will understand her better than she knows herself, you will
be able to behave in a way so that you are an authority, a guide to her own

inner understanding which will give you unlimited persuasive power.

Take caution. You will have women’s lives in your hands, and they will
obey you with blind obedience.
• You will join an elite secret society. Understanding, having
compassion and empathy for women and the ability to predict her future
will set you far apart from other men in her life. You will become someone
she trusts, someone she can be honest with, someone she tells all of
her secrets – almost like a best friend she grew up with, but with the
additional benefit of having a passionate sexual connection.

• You will be able to decipher her secret language
. Almost every
guy has had the experience of a woman saying one thing but meaning
something completely different. Or seeming to be interested and
flirting, but the minute you make a move she loses interest. When you
speak “woman-ese”, you will see this happening all around you – but
to other guys. And you can choose to help them, or you can watch with
amusement with the girl, and keep her for yourself.

• You will be able to unleash her inner nymphomaniac.
You will be
able to get her acting totally outside of her normal range of behavior. One
thing I see is that guys will date a girl, and they’ll have the most plain vanilla
missionary sex, but then they date a guy like me or one of my trainers,
and she’ll be open to all kinds of crazy sexual things even threesomes, and
when the first guy finds out about her secret, hidden desires, its often very
upsetting and frustration. You’re going to be ONE OF US - and trust me –
when a girl does something completely out of character with you – you
make an incredible bond, and basically she’ll NEVER forget you, and always
give you priority over guys.

• You will be able to quickly identify which of the 8 character types of
women she is. Is she The Seductress or is she The Connoisseur? There
are just 8 different types of women and you’re going to be able to know
immediately which type she is, and exactly how to get her. I've got it down
so that I can tell which type of woman she is in 30 seconds or less, and in
time, you will too.

• You will then be able to adapt your strategy to laser target your
efforts to that specific character type. Why waste your efforts using
behaviors and tools that aren't suited for a specific woman. In the
training to come, we take one character type at a time and focus on
it hardcore. My hope is that you will find and date each character type
as they are introduced and by the end of this training you will have
experienced the full spectrum of women, know which type works best
for you, and then be able to predictably find them, seduce them and if you
want, form a long term relationship with them.
Now let’s talk about signals – and in particular signals that women give off
to show you that they are interested.
One side benefit to learning the Prodigy’s system is that once you
become a master, you will be blown away by the number of signals that
women are constantly giving off about which character type she is, and
also the many ways she’s telling you how to seduce her.
You are about to become an expert at reading signs.

From coaching students from around the world, I realize that there are
many guys who have a woman in their lives who would make an amazing
girlfriend, be awesome to have sex with, or is just plain better than most
other girls they know.

Is there someone you know who would it be awesome to start a romantic
relationship with?

I know myself when I was learning this stuff initially there was this
perfect 10, the kind of girl who could be on the cover of sports illustrated,
you know the kind I mean. She really turned me on.

And as I got better, I was able to relate to her on a much deeper level and
let me tell you… it was so fulfilling to finally seduce her.
Now, what this program is going to allow you to do is to understand her
type, make sense of her behavior (because there’s a good chance it’s
confusing to you right now), and have a solid chance at correcting your
own behavior and getting out of your own way, so that you can form a real
connection with her, and allow her to bond with you.

You are going to figure out if the girl you really like is a tester or an
investor, a denier or justifier, and a realist or idealist. What am I talking
about? And why should you care? Well, understanding these three things
is the KEY to knowing a woman’s character type.
You simply need to know three things about any woman to instantly know her type.
We call this process “mind reading” because it gives us SO MUCH
information about her behaviors, her preferences, her sexual history and
also how she falls in love.

How can I suggest such an outrageous idea with such confidence?
Well, keep listening, and learning, and you may want to watch these video(I’ll provide you later)
a couple times to fully understand the system, and please watch them all
the way through in order at least one time before going back to review the
individual sections. And pay close attention, taking notes if you have to
because I’m going to test your knowledge at the end of the core program.
The thing that really caught me by surprise when i tested the programme
on a focus group was the surge in their confidence when they went out
to meet women. And now that I fully understand it, it’s like the difference
between being dropped in the middle of a jungle, and being in the jungle
with a compass, a tour guide and a map with big bright red arrows on it
telling you exactly where to go.

The guys as part of this focus group found it fun to figure out her type,
and they turned it into a little competitive game. It made meeting women
fun again, because it while it was challenging to get at first, they all made
rapid progress as they got faster at seeing the clues, putting the pieces
together and acting accordingly.

The Prodigy’s system is completely unique because it addresses
REAL differences between women’s minds.

Previous teachers have failed (or rather succeeded with a VERY small
percent of women) because they failed to address these very real differences.
Let me ask you a question...

Take 2 women.
One woman has had only 3 serious boyfriends in her life, enjoys hiking,
reading, and watching movies. She does NOT date casually, and has only
had sex with those three guys aside from a fairly negative experience with
a one night stand when she was 19 years old.

Another woman has dated 20 guys in her freshman and sophomore years
of college alone, frequents clubs and dresses in a way that gets A LOT of
male attention, she is approached on average about 3 times a day.
Do you think you’d be successful using the same strategy to attract both
women? Of course you wouldn't.

Yet every “teacher” who has studied this topic attempts to fit every
woman into his one method.

As a result, any guy using these methods, even if he is very good, is only
going to resonate with about 12% of the female population. Whereas with
you; you are going to have a realistic chance with 100% of women. This is
because we are treating them as unique individuals, rather than all exactly
the same. And this includes ANYTHING romantic whether it is dating or a
relationship. It does not merely apply to her behavior in bed, but of course
we will cover that in depth as well.
The Prodigy’s System is YOUR guide to the female mind.
It will give 
you almost unlimited and scary power with women, as it has with me, , and the select few VIP clients I have chosen to share it with.
And it will give you this power as well. Respect it, and treat it as such. An
incredible superpower and privilege.
If I know about any guy misusing this power, I will terminate your account
and refund your entire amount paid. I am very serious about this.
WARNING #1: It’s about time that I talk about the possible consequences
of using, or misusing this programme.
This programme, when both studied and applied, will give you incredible
power with women. They will feel as though you understand them on the
deepest possible level even better than they know themselves – because

Because of this, they will suspend all critical judgment, rational thinking
and let go of their normal defenses and practical common sense.
You will literally become the authority over her decisions, her goals, and
grant or remove the power to feel pleasure and pain.

And I have to confess – I have been somewhat careless with this power in
the past. When I was young I experienced a lot of rejection and pain, so
naturally I felt like I needed to overcompensate. And I did big time. And
there were a few women who were absolutely devastated, and couldn't
date, or feel attracted to other men for a LONG time after we had ended.
But YOU have the chance to RESIST this urge, and spare yourself the
mental torment that – trust me – comes with that type of abuse.

Recently, for the first time in a long time, I fell in love. I used the strategies
you’ll soon learn to find and attract, the most amazing woman for me. And
I taught her things she wouldn't understand in a million years. It was life
changing for both of us.

You have the chance to use this incredible power to change the world for
good. And this product is my way of reconciling the damage I've done,
hoping that enough men will use this in a positive way, and under my close
guidance – we can spread a strong positive energy to improve the lives of
women – help them feel understood, and make a real impact on society.

WARNING #2: Now a second warning:
This is the end of my introduction – and as such – this is the point of no
return. Once you listen past this point, we will begin to reveal the secrets
of this programme.
I will peel back the curtain – and take you through the inner workings of the
female mind. I will hold nothing back. At times, although our goal is a high
one, and good, there are some things that are dark. Some of it may be scary.
So again, if you have the idea that all women are perfect in every way,
100% altruistic, that never have any deceptive or hidden motivations,
then this product might not be for you. If you have the slightest feeling
that you might be getting in too deep, please stop the audio, and never log
back into the blog.
I’m totally serious about this. This is the real content that no one else is
teaching. You will not find the level of honesty and disclosure anywhere,
and that is why I urge you to take a good look at yourself and ask yourself
“am I really ready to take an uncensored look inside the mind women
everywhere, no matter if it’s good or bad?”
If not, again, turn back.
If you are, I congratulate you, commend you, my fellow Prodigy
practitioner and welcome you to an ELITE society.

That ends the introduction of Prodigy's programme.
And to get the full programme you will be needed to contact me as i can't write everything down in a blog.
If interested you can leave a comment with your email address, I'll get back to you.And trust me, I WILL.

Feel free to ask any question you want.


  1. thanks fr getting back to ws totally worth it....nw i cn get the girl i want....yiiipppeee!!!!

  2. anytime and hit me up anytime u need some more help
